Tuesday, 5 April 2016




binary_txt.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, checkEnterKey2);
function checkEnterKey2(e:KeyboardEvent):void{
if(binary_txt.text != '' && e.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER){
function binaryToDecimal(s:String):Number{
var n:Number = 0
for(var i:int=0;i<s.length;i++){
return n;

function fn1(event:MouseEvent):void{
binary_txt.text = ""
decimal_txt.text = ""

 AS3 Decimal to Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal Converter

================================================================== http://www.quasiuseful.com/?id=12 https://www.mathsisfun.com/binary-decimal-hexadecimal.html 1) JUST PASTE BELOW CODE IN AS3 
DON'T NEED ANY TEXT BOX OR SYMBOLS CODE MAKES TEXT BOXES ================================================================== import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; var gf:GlowFilter = new GlowFilter(0x333333, 0.6, 5, 5); var binaryArray:Array = new Array(); var num:Number; var binaryString:String; var round:Number; var bString:String; var bNumber:Number; var tripletArray:Array = new Array(); var extraBits:int; var leadingZeros:String; var octalString:String = ""; var len:int = 0; var hexArray:Array = new Array(); var hexString:String = ""; // please ignore laziness below (these should be in a for loop) //___________________________________________________________________text_fields____ // common format var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); format.font = "Verdana"; format.color = 0x000000; format.size = 12; // label for decimal number field var tf2:TextField = new TextField(); tf2.height = 18; tf2.width = 200; tf2.defaultTextFormat = format; tf2.x = 25; tf2.y = 25; tf2.text = "Decimal Number:"; tf2.selectable = false; addChild(tf2); // decimal number input field var tf:TextField = new TextField(); tf.type = TextFieldType.INPUT; tf.background = true; tf.border = true; tf.height = 18; tf.width = 300; tf.x = 25; tf.y = 50; tf.restrict = "0-9"; tf.defaultTextFormat = format; addChild(tf); tf.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, startFocus); tf.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, endFocus); // label for binary var tf4:TextField = new TextField(); tf4.height = 18; tf4.width = 200; tf4.defaultTextFormat = format; tf4.x = 25; tf4.y = 100; tf4.text = "Binary Number:"; tf4.selectable = false; addChild(tf4); // display text field for results (binary) var tf3:TextField = new TextField(); tf3.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC; tf3.background = true; tf3.backgroundColor = 0xE5E5E5; tf3.border = true; tf3.height = 18; tf3.width = 300; tf3.x = 25; tf3.y = 125; tf3.defaultTextFormat = format; addChild(tf3); // label for octal var tf6:TextField = new TextField(); tf6.height = 18; tf6.width = 200; tf6.defaultTextFormat = format; tf6.x = 25; tf6.y = 175; tf6.text = "Octal Number:"; tf6.selectable = false; addChild(tf6); // display text field for results (octal) var tf5:TextField = new TextField(); tf5.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC; tf5.background = true; tf5.backgroundColor = 0xE5E5E5; tf5.border = true; tf5.height = 18; tf5.width = 300; tf5.x = 25; tf5.y = 200; tf5.defaultTextFormat = format; addChild(tf5); // label for hex var tf8:TextField = new TextField(); tf8.height = 18; tf8.width = 200; tf8.defaultTextFormat = format; tf8.x = 25; tf8.y = 250; tf8.text = "Hexadecimal Number:"; tf8.selectable = false; addChild(tf8); // display text field for results (hex) var tf7:TextField = new TextField(); tf7.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC; tf7.background = true; tf7.backgroundColor = 0xE5E5E5; tf7.border = true; tf7.height = 18; tf7.width = 300; tf7.x = 25; tf7.y = 275; tf7.defaultTextFormat = format; addChild(tf7); //__________________________________________________________________________________ function checkEnterKey(e:KeyboardEvent):void { if(tf.text != '' && e.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER) { num = Number(tf.text); //trace(e.keyCode + " : " + tf.text); bString = convertDecimalToBinary(num); bNumber = Number(binaryString); tf3.text = bString; tf5.text = convertBinaryToOctal(bString); tf7.text = convertBinaryToHex(bString); } } //__________________________________________________________________________________ function getTextInput(e:KeyboardEvent):void { num = Number(tf.text); //trace(e.keyCode + " : " + tf.text); bString = convertDecimalToBinary(num); bNumber = Number(binaryString); tf3.text = bString; tf5.text = convertBinaryToOctal(bString); tf7.text = convertBinaryToHex(bString); } //__________________________________________________________________________________ function convertDecimalToBinary(num:Number):String { if(num == 0) return String("0"); binaryString = ''; //start with empty string each time while(num > 0) { num /= 2; if(Math.floor(num) == num) binaryArray.push(0); else binaryArray.push(1); trace(num); num = Math.floor(num); } for(var i:int = binaryArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { binaryString += binaryArray[i]; // clear array to prepare for next input binaryArray.pop(); } //trace(binaryString); return binaryString; } //__________________________________________________________________________________ function convertBinaryToOctal(bStr:String):String { octalString = ''; // split binary string into units of three for(var i:int = bStr.length; i > 0; i -= 3) { tripletArray.push(bStr.substring(i - 3, i)); } len = tripletArray.length - 1; // add leading zeros to last array item extraBits = tripletArray[len].length; if(extraBits == 1) { tripletArray[len] = "00" + tripletArray[len]; //tripletArray[tripletArray.length - 1] = leadingZeros; } else if(extraBits == 2) { tripletArray[len] = "0" + tripletArray[len]; //tripletArray[tripletArray.length - 1] = leadingZeros; } for(var j:int = 0; j < len + 1; j++) trace(tripletArray[j]); // switch octal to binary for(var l:int = len; l >= 0; l--) { switch(tripletArray[l]) { case "000": tripletArray[l] = "0"; break; case "001": tripletArray[l] = "1"; break; case "010": tripletArray[l] = "2"; break; case "011": tripletArray[l] = "3"; break; case "100": tripletArray[l] = "4"; break; case "101": tripletArray[l] = "5"; break; case "110": tripletArray[l] = "6"; break; case "111": tripletArray[l] = "7"; break; default: break; } octalString += tripletArray[l]; tripletArray.pop(); } return octalString; } //__________________________________________________________________________________ function convertBinaryToHex(bStr:String):String { trace("bstring = " + bStr); hexString = ''; // split binary string into units of three for(var i:int = bStr.length; i > 0; i -= 4) { hexArray.push(bStr.substring(i - 4, i)); } len = hexArray.length - 1; // add leading zeros to last array item extraBits = hexArray[len].length; if(extraBits == 1) { hexArray[len] = "000" + hexArray[len]; } else if(extraBits == 2) { hexArray[len] = "00" + hexArray[len]; } else if(extraBits == 3) { hexArray[len] = "0" + hexArray[len]; } // switch binary to hex for(var l:int = len; l >= 0; l--) { switch(hexArray[l]) { case "0000": hexArray[l] = "0"; break; case "0001": hexArray[l] = "1"; break; case "0010": hexArray[l] = "2"; break; case "0011": hexArray[l] = "3"; break; case "0100": hexArray[l] = "4"; break; case "0101": hexArray[l] = "5"; break; case "0110": hexArray[l] = "6"; break; case "0111": hexArray[l] = "7"; break; case "1000": hexArray[l] = "8"; break; case "1001": hexArray[l] = "9"; break; case "1010": hexArray[l] = "A"; break; case "1011": hexArray[l] = "B"; break; case "1100": hexArray[l] = "C"; break; case "1101": hexArray[l] = "D"; break; case "1110": hexArray[l] = "E"; break; case "1111": hexArray[l] = "F"; break; default: break; } hexString += hexArray[l]; hexArray.pop(); } return hexString; } //__________________________________________________________________________________ function startFocus(e:FocusEvent):void { tf.filters = [gf]; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, getTextInput); } //__________________________________________________________________________________ function endFocus(e:FocusEvent):void { tf.filters = []; stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, getTextInput); }
