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//Pool by John Bezanis for
//Conversion for degrees to radians, calculated once for increased performance
degreestoradians = Math.PI/180;
//total balls sunk
ballssunk = 0;
//Amount of space in between balls when racked and in the tray
spacer = .2;
//multiply the poolstick's power by 50 percent of its distance from the ball
powermultiplier = .5;
//Percentage balls are slowed down at each frame
//Determine the interval of time between checking the ball movement/collisions in milliseconds
//a lower number gives better accuracy but is more cpu intense
//if this number is adjusted, friction and powermultiplier should also be adjusted.
//Define a function to shuffle an array
Array.prototype.shuffle = function() {
for (i=0; i<this.length; i++) {
this.push(this.splice(Math.floor(Math.random()*this.length), 1));
//Main function that adds the balls to the table
function newGame() {
//Set the position of the rack
rackx = tablearea._x+tablearea._width*.75;
racky = tablearea._y+tablearea._height/2;
//attach the 8 ball at the center of the rack
this.attachMovie('balls', 'ball8', this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:rackx, _y:racky});
//go to the frame with the 8 ball graphic
//initialize the x and y veocity to 0
ball8.xvel = 0;
ball8.yvel = 0;
//set the ball to not sunk
ball8.sunk = 0;
//create an array with all of the other balls
ballArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15];
//shuffle the array, shuffling the position of the balls
//calculate the horizontal difference between two rows of balls
horizdiff = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(ball8._width+spacer, 2)-Math.pow((ball8._height+spacer)/2, 2));
//this array contains the coordinates of the balls within the rack
ballcoords = [[rackx-horizdiff*2, racky], [rackx-horizdiff, racky-(ball8._height+spacer)/2], [rackx-horizdiff, racky+(ball8._height+spacer)/2], [rackx, racky-(ball8._height+spacer)], [rackx, racky+(ball8._height+spacer)], [rackx+horizdiff, racky-(ball8._height+spacer)*1.5], [rackx+horizdiff, racky-(ball8._height+spacer)*.5], [rackx+horizdiff, racky+(ball8._height+spacer)*.5], [rackx+horizdiff, racky+(ball8._height+spacer)*1.5], [rackx+horizdiff*2, racky-(ball8._height+spacer)*2], [rackx+horizdiff*2, racky-(ball8._height+spacer)], [rackx+horizdiff*2, racky], [rackx+horizdiff*2, racky+(ball8._height+spacer)], [rackx+horizdiff*2, racky+(ball8._height+spacer)*2]];
//loop through all of the balls, creating them and positioning them in the rack
for (ballpos=0; ballpos<14; ballpos++) {
this.attachMovie('balls', 'ball'+ballArray[ballpos], this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ballcoords[ballpos][0], _y:ballcoords[ballpos][1]});
//initialize the x and y velocity to 0
eval('ball'+ballArray[ballpos]).xvel = 0;
eval('ball'+ballArray[ballpos]).yvel = 0;
//set the ball to not sunk
eval('ball'+ballArray[ballpos]).sunk = 0;
//change the graphic to represent the ball
//attach the cue ball
this.attachMovie('balls', 'ball0', this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:tablearea._x+tablearea._width/4, _y:tablearea._y+tablearea._height/2});
//frame 16 is thge cue ball frame
//allow the user to move the cue ball around the left quarter of the table
//process the balls on the table on each interval, which its length is determined by 'movetime'
var ballinterval:Number = setInterval(this, "moveBalls", movetime);
function moveBalls(){
//loop through each ball, moving it according to its velocity
for (curball=0; curball<=15; curball++) {
//if the ball is sunk, move it along the bottom tray
if (eval('ball'+curball).sunk) {
//move the ball towards the right of the tray until it hits the end or another ball
eval('ball'+curball)._x = Math.min(trayarea._x+trayarea._width-eval('ball'+curball)._width/2-eval('ball'+curball)._width*(eval('ball'+curball).sunk-1)-spacer*(eval('ball'+curball).sunk-1), eval('ball'+curball)._x+5);
} else {
//move the ball according to its velocity
eval('ball'+curball)._x += eval('ball'+curball).xvel;
eval('ball'+curball)._y += eval('ball'+curball).yvel;
//decrease the velocity to account for friction
eval('ball'+curball).xvel *= friction;
eval('ball'+curball).yvel *= friction;
//if the ball is moving very slowly, stop its movement completely
if (Math.abs(eval('ball'+curball).xvel)<.02&&Math.abs(eval('ball'+curball).yvel)<.02) {
eval('ball'+curball).xvel = 0;
eval('ball'+curball).yvel = 0;
//Ball bounces off of the right bumper
if (eval('ball'+curball)._x+eval('ball'+curball)._width/2>tablearea._x+tablearea._width) {
//if the ball is high enough or low enough to fall into a pocket, sink it
if (eval('ball'+curball)._y-eval('ball'+curball)._height*.75<tablearea._y || eval('ball'+curball)._y+eval('ball'+curball)._height*.75>tablearea._y+tablearea._height) {
} else {
//reverse the velocity and adjust for the distance past the bumper
eval('ball'+curball).xvel *= -1;
eval('ball'+curball)._x -= (eval('ball'+curball)._x+eval('ball'+curball)._width/2-(tablearea._x+tablearea._width));
//ball bounces off of the left bumper
} else if (eval('ball'+curball)._x-eval('ball'+curball)._width/2<tablearea._x) {
//if the ball is high enough or low enough to fall into a pocket, sink it
if (eval('ball'+curball)._y-eval('ball'+curball)._height*.75<tablearea._y || eval('ball'+curball)._y+eval('ball'+curball)._height*.75>tablearea._y+tablearea._height) {
} else {
//reverse the velocity and adjust for the distance past the bumper
eval('ball'+curball).xvel *= -1;
eval('ball'+curball)._x -= (eval('ball'+curball)._x-eval('ball'+curball)._width/2)-tablearea._x;
//ball bounces off of the bottom bumper
if (eval('ball'+curball)._y+eval('ball'+curball)._height/2>tablearea._y+tablearea._height) {
//if the ball is left or right enough to fall into a pocket, or in the center pocket area, sink it
if (eval('ball'+curball)._x-eval('ball'+curball)._width*.75<tablearea._x || eval('ball'+curball)._x+eval('ball'+curball)._width*.75>tablearea._x+tablearea._width || (eval('ball'+curball)._x-eval('ball'+curball)._width*.75<tablearea._x+tablearea._width/2 && eval('ball'+curball)._x+eval('ball'+curball)._width*.75>tablearea._x+tablearea._width/2)) {
} else {
//reverse the velocity and adjust for the distance past the bumper
eval('ball'+curball).yvel *= -1;
eval('ball'+curball)._y -= (eval('ball'+curball)._y+eval('ball'+curball)._height/2-(tablearea._y+tablearea._height));
//ball bounces off of the top bumper
} else if (eval('ball'+curball)._y-eval('ball'+curball)._height/2<tablearea._y) {
//if the ball is left or right enough to fall into a pocket, or in the center pocket area, sink it
if (eval('ball'+curball)._x-eval('ball'+curball)._width*.75<tablearea._x || eval('ball'+curball)._x+eval('ball'+curball)._width*.75>tablearea._x+tablearea._width || (eval('ball'+curball)._x-eval('ball'+curball)._width*.75<tablearea._x+tablearea._width/2 && eval('ball'+curball)._x+eval('ball'+curball)._width*.75>tablearea._x+tablearea._width/2)) {
} else {
//reverse the velocity and adjust for the distance past the bumper
eval('ball'+curball).yvel *= -1;
eval('ball'+curball)._y -= (eval('ball'+curball)._y-eval('ball'+curball)._height/2)-tablearea._y;
//if the cue ball is on the table, check for ball collisions
if (!ball0.onPress) {
//Check the distances between balls
for (i=0; i<=15; i++) {
a = this["ball"+i];
for (j=i+1; j<=15; j++) {
b = this["ball"+j];
//determine the distance on the x and y planes
var dx = b._x-a._x;
var dy = b._y-a._y;
//use the pythagorean theorem to determine the distance between two balls
var dist = Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
//if there is a collision between two balls, process it.
if (dist<a._width/2+b._width/2) {
_root.solveBalls(a, b);
//grabbed this function from
function solveBalls(ballA, ballB) {
var x1 = ballA._x;
var y1 = ballA._y;
//determine the distance between the two balls along the x and y planes
var dx = ballB._x-x1;
var dy = ballB._y-y1;
//determine the actual distance using the pythagorean theorem
var dist = Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
//determine the radius of the two balls averaged together
radius = ballA._width/4+ballB._width/4;
//it calculates the distance, i could have passed it to the function but it works this way
normalX = dx/dist;
normalY = dy/dist;
midpointX = (x1+ballB._x)/2;
midpointY = (y1+ballB._y)/2;
//Now this calculates the normal and mid points..
ballA._x = midpointX-normalX*radius;
ballA._y = midpointY-normalY*radius;
ballB._x = midpointX+normalX*radius;
ballB._y = midpointY+normalY*radius;
//shifts the two balls to a different location so they don't hit each other
dVector = (ballA.xvel-ballB.xvel)*normalX+(ballA.yvel-ballB.yvel)*normalY;
dvx = dVector*normalX;
dvy = dVector*normalY;
//This calculates the new speeds for the balls
ballA.xvel -= dvx;
ballA.yvel -= dvy;
ballB.xvel += dvx;
ballB.yvel += dvy;
//assigns the new values
//sink a ball when it hits a pocket
function sinkBall(curball) {
//if the sunk ball is the cue ball, it causes a scratch
if (curball == 0) {
//bring the cue ball back up and let the player move it around
//else it isn't the cue ball, so move the ball down to the bottom tray
} else {
//make sure the ball isn't already sunk
if (eval('ball'+curball).sunk == 0) {
//enumerate the number of balls sunk and give this ball that value
//the value is used to determine how far to the right the ball rolls
eval('ball'+curball).sunk = (++ballssunk);
//stop the ball's movement. We will manually move it to the right
eval('ball'+curball).xvel = 0;
eval('ball'+curball).yvel = 0;
//move the ball down into the tray
eval('ball'+curball)._y = trayarea._y+trayarea._height/2;
//move the ball to the left side of the tray
eval('ball'+curball)._x = trayarea._x+eval('ball'+curball)._width/2;
function scratch() {
//allow the player to drag the cue ball around the left quarter of the table
//spacer gives a buffer so the ball will not go in a hole when it is being drug around
ball0.startDrag(true, tablearea._x+ball0._width/2+spacer, tablearea._y+ball0._height/2+spacer, tablearea._x+tablearea._width/4, tablearea._y+tablearea._height-ball0._height/2-spacer);
//reset the speed of the cue ball to 0
ball0.xvel = 0;
ball0.yvel = 0;
//the ball has been pressed, place it on the table and show the pool stick
ball0.onPress = function() {
//Check the distances between balls
a = this;
//don't drop the ball if it is touching another ball
for (j=1; j<=15; j++) {
b = this._parent["ball"+j];
var dx = b._x-a._x;
var dy = b._y-a._y;
//determine the distance between 2 balls
var dist = Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
if (dist<a._width/2+b._width/2) {
//The ball is not touching any othe balls, so drop it on the table
//show the pool stick
//delete this function so the player cannot click the ball anymore
delete ball0.onPress;
//Show the pool stick
function showStick() {
//if a pool stick already exists, delete it
if (poolstick) {
delete poolstick;
//create a new poolstick
this.attachMovie('poolstick', 'poolstick', this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ball0._x, _y:ball0._y});
//initialize the power to 0
poolstick.power = 0;
//initialize the distance to pull back the stick to 0
poolstick.curdist = 0;
//on each frame move the stick according to the mouse and ball position
poolstick.onEnterFrame = function() {
//if the pool stick isn't fading out (it hasn't been clicked and released) move it according to the ball's position
if (poolstick._alpha == 100) {
poolstick._x = ball0._x;
poolstick._y = ball0._y;
//If the poolstick hasn't been clicked yet, adjust its angle based on the mouse's angle relative to the cue ball
if (poolstick.onPress) {
//set the angle
stickangle = Math.atan(-(_ymouse-ball0._y)/(_xmouse-ball0._x))/(Math.PI/180);
if ((_xmouse-ball0._x)<0) {
stickangle += 180;
if ((_xmouse-ball0._x)>=0 && (-(_ymouse-ball0._y))<0) {
stickangle += 360;
poolstick._rotation = -stickangle-90;
//else the pool stick has been clicked, so keep its angle locked from when it was clicked
} else {
//when the pool stick is clicked, allow the player to bring it back, giving it power
if (poolstick.onRelease) {
//the power is based on the distance the mouse is from the ball relative to when it was first clicked
//keep the power stored for when the stick is released
//set a cap to how far away from the ball the stick can go
poolstick.power = Math.min(100, Math.max(0, (Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_xmouse-ball0._x, 2)+Math.pow(_ymouse-ball0._y, 2))-poolstick.clickdistance)));
//set the distance equal to the amout of power applied
poolstick.curdist = poolstick.power;
//else the pool stick has been released. Start bringing the stick towards the ball
} else {
//move the stick towards the ball
poolstick.curdist = Math.max(0, poolstick.curdist-20);
//if there is no more distance to get to the ball, hit it with the stick
if (poolstick.curdist == 0) {
//if this is the first frame the poolstick has hit the ball, change the ball's velocity
if (poolstick._alpha == 100) {
//hit the ball in the direction the pool stick is pointed
ball0.xvel = Math.sin(poolstick._rotation*degreestoradians)*(poolstick.power*powermultiplier);
ball0.yvel = -Math.cos(poolstick._rotation*degreestoradians)*(poolstick.power*powermultiplier);
//start fading out the pool stick
poolstick._alpha -= 10;
//if the pool stick is fully invisible, delete it and set an interval that waits until all balls have stopped moving
if (poolstick._alpha<=0) {
//called every 30 milliseconds
//if the poolstick hasn't been released or clicked yet, move it to the cue ball's edge
if (poolstick._alpha == 100) {
//We figure out the direction the poolstick is pointing, and then move it away from the ball according to its angle
poolstick._x += -Math.sin(degreestoradians*poolstick._rotation)*(ball0._width/2+poolstick.curdist);
poolstick._y += Math.cos(degreestoradians*poolstick._rotation)*(ball0._width/2+poolstick.curdist);
//adds the function to drag the poolstick when it is clicked
//add a listener to the poolstick to start dragging when it is clicked
function poolstickAction() {
//the listener that waits for the poolstick to be clicked
poolstick.onPress = function() {
//determine the distance of the mouse from the ball, and store it
poolstick.clickdistance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_xmouse-ball0._x, 2)+Math.pow(_ymouse-ball0._y, 2));
//add a listener that waits for the user to release the mouse
poolstick.onRelease = poolstick.onReleaseOutside=function () {
//get rid of the current poolstick listeners
delete poolstick.onRelease;
delete poolstick.onReleaseOutside;
//if the poolstick is not pulled back, recreate the
if (poolstick.power<=0) {
//else the poolstick is not pulled back, so recreate the poolstick action
//delete the poolstick press listener
delete poolstick.onPress;
//create an interval to check if any balls have moved since the last interval
function setMovementInterval() {
//run the interval every 'movetime' milliseconds
var movementinterval:Number = setInterval(this, "checkMovement", movetime);
//function that is called by the interval
function checkMovement():Void {
//if the poolstick is still on the table, do not check if the balls have stopped moving
if (poolstick) {
//loop through all of the balls to check for movement
for (i=0; i<=15; i++) {
if (eval('ball'+i).xvel != 0 || eval('ball'+i).yvel != 0) {
//if the user hasn't scratched, show the poolstick
if (!ball0.onPress) {
//function called when the newgame button is pressed, aka rack 'em
newgame.onPress = function() {
//if ball0 exists, all of the balls exist, so we first delete all of the balls
if (ball0) {
for (i=0; i<=15; i++) {
//delete all of the balls
//delete the main function that runs at the start of each frame
delete onEnterFrame;
//if the poolstick exists, delete it
if (poolstick) {
//start a new game
